Yikai Zheng and Xinyu Zhang TUD Autonomous mobility

Intelligent and autonomous mobility systems

Intelligent and autonomous mobility systems

Research Associates Yikai Zeng and Xinyu Zhang from the Technische Universität Dresden tell us about their work in developing autonomous mobility systems.

Dresden, Germany, November 22, 2024: Research Associates Yikai Zeng and Xinyu Zhang talk with us about the future of autonomous mobility and intelligent transportation systems that promise to redefine how we think about movement and connectivity in urban spaces.

Connected, cooperative and autonomous mobility

We talked with Yikai Zeng and Xinyu Zhang from the Chair of Traffic Process Automation at TU Dresden about their research and teaching activities, and how Duckietown is used at the MiniCCAM lab to teach autonomous mobility.

Hello and welcome! May I ask you to start by introducing yourself?

X. Zhang: Hi! I will start! My name is Xinyu. I’m a Research Associate at TU Dresden and currently work on computational basics and tools of traffic process automation. That’s why I got involved in this Duckiedrone demonstration. Apart from that, I am also responsible for the basic autonomous driving courses, where we use Duckiebots as our learning materials and tools for the students.

Y. Zeng: Hello, My name is Yikai. I’m also a Research Associate at TU Dresden, in Prof. Meng Wang’s laboratory.

Thank you very much, when did you first discover Duckietown?

Y. Zeng: the idea came from Professor Wang, who asked us to continue the Control course of a former colleague, using among other things, Duckiebots. When we took over the course, it was during the Covid period. Right now we have developed the MiniCCAM lab.

Could you tell us more about the miniCCAM lab?

Y. Zeng: Sure! The scope of the miniCCAM laboratory, for us researchers in the transportation and autonomous mobility field, is to look at the greater picture in terms of urban mobility, so slightly different in terms of scope than the course previously mentioned. We use Duckietown for autonomous driving. The current miniCCAM lab is on one hand a good tool for demonstrating to students and general audiences what we are able to do in terms of future transportation systems; on the other hand, it provides us with an opportunity to conduct research. For example, we implemented a higher logic controller for intersection navigation and tested it in both a simulated environment and on the model smart-city Duckietown setup. Duckietown is very practical because organizing an actual field test would be very expensive.

That's great to hear. Why did you decide to use Duckiebots to teach autonomous mobility?

Y. Zeng: The decision was taken before us, but I heard stories about that time. So this course has a long history, over ten years, and every few years the course was redesigned.

Around 2019 the decision was taken to upgrade our fleet of robots, and among various solutions, we also chose Lego initially, but it didn’t work very well for us.

So my former colleague found out about Duckietown, and that’s when the choice was taken. It came all in a single box, and this was considered very positive. It also came with complete teaching materials and very well-structured courses already. This was considered to be extremely useful to help us organize our courses, we just needed to modify what was already there for our own context. So this would be the main motivation, it’s very easy to deploy course materials, and the economic aspects were considered to be very attractive.

X. Zhang: Duckiebots are also good because they come with a camera and wheel encoders, making it easier to get students started, and having them learn about the fundamentals of autonomous driving. 

It came all in a single box, complete teaching materials and very well-structured courses. This was considered to be extremely useful, we just needed to modify what was already there for our own context.

Did students appreciate using Duckiebots?

Y. Zeng: Certainly Duckietown succeeded as a teaching tool, attracting many students to our courses. I would say Duckietown has this characteristic of motivating and capturing the attention of many students. It also provides the first real hands-on experience in the field of robotics and autonomous mobility.

In our course on Computational basics and tools of traffic process automation (Rechentechnische Grundlagen und Werkzeuge der Verkehrsprozessautomatisierung), we use Duckiebots to teach students about general control, group control, and swarm control. Duckietown is also the main, shall we say, “tourist attraction” of our department. Every time we hold events, many students come to us to see the Duckiebots cooperating, going through intersections, and so forth. We’ve been using Duckietown for two years, and already it is very popular, inspiring many interesting discussions with our audiences with scientific backgrounds.

Much more efficient than a simple presentation, I’d say! 

Duckiebots come with a camera and wheel encoders, making it easier to get students started, and having them learn about the fundamentals of autonomous mobility.

MiniCCAM city and bots autonomous mobility
Would you recommend Duckietown to colleagues and students?

Y. Zeng: Yes absolutely, in fact, I’m a bit sad that you’re not producing the old model anymore! We definitely want to try the latest models, test them as a fleet, and introduce them to our lab in the future. Our main focus is always on the interaction between groups of bots and how they work together.

Learn more about Duckietown

Duckietown enables state-of-the-art robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to help teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of human knowledge.

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Kevin Smith, STEM managing director at MassRobotics, Boston, MA, USA

Nurturing future engineers and leaders with Kevin Smith

Nurturing future engineers and leaders with Kevin Smith

STEM instructor Kevin Smith shares his experience at MassRobotics: providing young learners with core skills to become future engineers and sector leaders.

Boston, MA, USA, April 22nd 2024: STEM Program Manager Kevin Smith shares his work at MassRobotics, a robotics startup incubator in Boston, MA, providing learning experiences to teach technological skills and inspire future engineers and industry leaders.

Teaching robotics to nurture future engineers and leaders

We talked with Kevin Smith from MassRobotics to learn more about his teaching activities and the programs he is involved in, such as the Jumpstart fellowship program and the Summer Duckiedrone Academy.

Good morning Kevin! May I ask you to start by introducing yourself?

Hi! My name is Kevin Smith. I have the pleasure of leading the STEM program here at MassRobotics. Our program encompasses creating STEM learning experiences ranging from two hours to six months long. The objective is to help students grow by leveraging our environment of 85-plus robotics startups. This ecosystem provides us with the opportunity to understand where technology is going in the next five to ten years, and we make sure that all of the learning experiences are ingrained with technical expertise.

MassRobotics future engineer 2023
Very nice. We know you use Duckietown for some of your teaching activities, when did you first run into it?

I discovered Duckietown for the first time at the Drone Academy that we were hosting here at MassRobotics, sponsored by Amazon Robotics.

We got a chance to build drones for the first time and really bring some high-level experiences to the students. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve been a part of the Drone Academy and we recently wrapped up the most recent edition where we got to kick off and try some DD24, the newest version of the Duckietown drones and we were so excited about it.

Massrobotics and Duckiedrones future engineers and leaders
How do you use drones to inspire your students?

During the Drone Academy, we had the opportunity to teach students many dynamic skills within one week, building up a lot of core technical skills, but also using the experience as a point to have conversations with students to be able to open their minds to what happens beyond their High School environment.

So, for us, Duckiedrones are a huge technical resource to be able to teach technical skills, raise the level of rigor within the environment that we’re cultivating, and also help students think about what is beyond this phase that they’re in their life so they can become engineers in the future. 

Two future engineers and Duckiedrone DD24
Could you tell us more about the Drone Academy?

The MassRobotics Drone Academy is a one-week summer camp targeted to high-school learners where we leverage our STEM space and partnerships with Amazon, Duckietown, and Brown University to create dynamic learning experiences.

Brown University worked on and cultivated some of the first drones which Duckietown has taken to extreme lengths to make sure that the product is top-tier quality. The camp is offered directly to students at no cost, ensuring that anyone who chooses to participate in these growth experiences can do so.

That is great, you make me want to join the next edition! Are there other programs at MassRobotics you would like to share with us?

At MassRobotics, we host a plethora of different STEM experiences. One of our premiere programs is the Jumpstart program where from January to May young ladies come every Saturday, or at least three out of four Saturdays every month, and work for about six to eight hours with industry experts on CAD [Computer Assisted Design] and CNC [Computer Numerical Control] machines. Essentially they learn engineering skills within a couple of months, and after that they are paid a thousand dollars for their commitment.

But I think the biggest part is the fact that they get to experience real-world internships, and actually some of our interns from the Jumsptart program had the honor of interning at Duckietown too, where they were able to assist in the development and student experience with these drones we’re speaking of!


Jumpstart program participants
It sounds awesome! Who is the target of the Jumsptart program?

Jumpstart is a program targeting young ladies in high school, we think juniors are the ideal age, because once they finish their January through May sessions and gain all the technical skills and soft skills, they will be holding up to walk right into an internship which is very difficult to line up for high school students as you can imagine.

It’ll also give them a lot to write on their applications going to college in terms of experience and exposure but also the skills that those colleges are looking for.

We’re trying to cultivate the next generation of leaders, while fostering the creation equitable environments to make sure that these young ladies who step into the internship realm feel comfortable and competent

We're trying to cultivate the next generation of leaders, while fostering the creation of equitable environments to make sure that these young ladies who step into the internship realm feel comfortable and competent.

Would you recommend Duckietown to colleagues and students?

Yes, I think Duckietown is a very cool and innovative platform that allows students to explore.  It’s a platform to learn so many technical skills, but also to really start up a lot of conversations, and to digest what’s actually going on behind the scenes, how are these different components engaging and interacting with each other to create autonomous robots.

From the actual Duckietown [the self-driving cars component of Duckietown] I had the pleasure to see and work with, to the Duckiedrones, I believe they bring a lot for the students to explore and engage with.

Two boys assembling a DD24 Duckiedrone

Learn more about Duckietown

Duckietown enables state-of-the-art robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to help teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of human knowledge.

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Marek Dlugosz+AGH logo

Teaching robot autonomy at AGH Krakow with Prof. Długosz

Teaching robot autonomy at AGH Krakow with Prof. Długosz

Prof. Marek Dlugosz tells us what he likes about teaching robot autonomy with Duckietown in his AI and Autonomous Vehicles laboratory in Krakow, Poland.

Krakow, Poland, April 29th 2024
Professor Marek Długosz from the Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza (AGH) – University of Science and Technology in Krakow, shares his experience teaching robot autonomy with Duckietown.

Increasing efficiency and saving time at the robot autonomy lab in AGH Krakow

We interviewed Prof. Marek Długosz form the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, to learn more about his teaching activities and laboratory.

Good morning and thank you for taking the time to be with us! Could you introduce yourself?

My name is Marek Długosz and I am an assistant professor at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. My work is focused on robotic automatic functions theory, while last year I focused more on robot autonomy and autonomous vehicles. 

DB-21 AVG Dlugosz robot autonomy lab
Thank you. When have you encountered Duckietown for the first time?

I first learned about the Duckietown project while searching the internet for information, then I started to read more about it, and it looked very interesting for a few reasons. First of all, there’s not only a theoretical part, but there’s also the hardware part of this project which are the Duckiebots.

Then, there’s also a lot of lessons, examples and exercises for students to learn more about robotics. That’s one reason why I found it interesting. A second reason this project looked interesting is that it’s not only about one robot, but a fleet of robots, and also there is the speed regulation aspect. One of the main focus of my research is how to manage the speed of autonomous robots or autonomous cars, and I think that Duckietown can be perfect to check my ideas and algorithms rapidly and with ease. It is much easier to run five robots in my laboratory than to run four or five cars in reality!

DB-21 in smartcity, AGH robot autonomy lab
How do you use Duckietown in your activities?

My colleagues and I use Duckiebots during classes and lessons to better explain topics related to theoretical aspects of programming in robotics. What I find very attractive is the possibility for my students to practice. They can actually program a Duckiebot and implement algorithms, such as lane following, adaptive cruise control etc. This is really something that my students and colleagues like very much. Duckietown also has fantastic software, it’s very well organized, thanks to Docker, so there is no risk that some student makes a mistake and breaks one of my robots! Students prepare the Docker container, and once the exercise is complete, they delete this container.

We also use Duckietown in our research as I said earlier, to verify and check our algorithms, and how to manage fleets of robots. One of the special aspects of Duckietown are its smart cities, with its crossroads, signs, traffic lights, etc. For us, this aspect is very interesting. 

One of the latest projects done by my students was a system to localize Duckiebots on a plane using four or more video cameras, and we are about to publish the results of this project. 

Smart city Duckietown at AGH robot autonomy lab
Very interesting thank you. What is the age of the students you are teaching right now, and would you say the students are satisfied with Duckietown?

The age bracket is students between 20 and 23 years old. I’ll just say that very often, at the end of the lessons, students decide to stay and do more exercises, they find it incredibly interesting that Duckietown is not only a simulation, as we know in a simulation you can do anything, but when you start doing things practically, taking the hardware in your hands, and programming these robots, it’s a very, very different thing. 

Very often I have to stay after lessons and try to do more together with my students, to the point I must tell them to come back the day after because it’s getting late.

Also, in addition to regular lessons, in our university there is a Student Scientist Association, the members of which can go to special classes after the end of regular ones, to perform additional experiments and exercises. 

Duckietown is not only a simulation, in a simulation you can do anything, but when you start doing things practically, taking the hardware in your hands, and programming these robots, it’s a very, very different thing. 

Smartcity AVG robot autonomy lab
Did you encounter any challenges, problems or difficulties while using Duckietown?

At the beginning, we had some problems with the assembly of the Duckiebot. I even wrote a simple article about this, but we made some improvements, which I  described in this article, and now the Duckiebots work perfectly.

DB-21 AGH Krakow mod
Do you have anything else to add about your projects and experiences?

I hope that I can motivate enough students to participate in the AI-DO competition. I’d like it if some of my students participated in that kind of challenge. I would also like to let my students understand how well organized Duckietown software is, I think there’s an absolutely perfect architecture that helps minimize the risk of errors and mistakes and there’s perfect functionality between containers. We have a lot of students and these robots need to work for everyone, so minimizing the possibility of problems is excellent.

I think that Duckietown can be perfect to check my ideas and algorithms rapidly and with ease. It is much easier to run five robots in my laboratory than to run four or five cars in reality!

Would you recommend Duckietown to colleagues and students?

Yes of course, anytime I have the occasion I recommend this project. Ours is the Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Vehicles laboratory, and it has rapidly become one of the most attractive ones in the University. Very often students show up just to see what we are doing, and every time I show Duckietown’s smart cities, and how robots drive around and stop at traffic lights, crossroads etc. It’s always a lot of fun.

DB-21 top view

Learn more about Duckietown

Duckietown enables state-of-the-art robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to help teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of human knowledge.

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Graham Dodge - Magic Inc.

There’s MAGIC in Westminster: innovating and cultivating, an interview with Graham Dodge

Westminster, Maryland: MAGIC and Duckietown partner to bring robot autonomy education in Westminster, MD.

The Mid-Atlantic Gigabit Innovation Collaboratory (MAGIC) was awarded funding from the Knorr-Bremse Global Care program in July of 2022 to launch an Autonomous Robotics Innovation Center (ARIC) in the heart of downtown Westminster.

Their goal for ARIC is to use the Duckietown platform to give Westminster students industry-relevant skills and hands-on experience that will prepare them for careers or further learning in robotics and engineering.

Quick links

Bringing industry relevant skills and hands-on experience to high school and undergrad students

We are very pleased to announce our partnership with MAGIC, bringing the Duckietown platform to Carroll County students and introducing the local community to robotics and AI technology.

MAGIC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization headquartered in Westminster, MD, USA. Their mission is to build a technological ecosystem that creates and nurtures talent, entrepreneurship, and tech businesses, elevating the Westminster Gigabit community to lead the Mid-Atlantic region.

We talked with Graham Dodge, Executive Director of MAGIC, to know more about their new Autonomous Robotics Innovation Center (ARIC) project and how Duckietown is being used in this context.


Hi! Could you introduce yourself?

My name is Graham Dodge. I’m the executive director of Magic Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit based in Maryland, United States. We focus on technology, education, and workforce development within our community.

Thank you for taking the time for this interview, Graham. How did you learn about Duckietown?

I was speaking with the CEO of a local company called Dynamic Dimension Technologies. We were discussing our autonomous corridor project in the city of Westminster, Maryland. He recommended using Duckietown as a platform to demonstrate some of the technologies to local elected officials and stakeholders. After seeing videos of Duckietown on their website, I was impressed by its user-friendly and cute approach to making technology accessible to people unfamiliar with computer vision and robotics. It seemed like a perfect way to explain these concepts to our community.

Very interesting! What are you using Duckietown for?

Initially, we used Duckietown to demonstrate autonomous technologies for our corridor project. However, we later secured funding and set up the Autonomous Robotics Innovation Center (ARIC), where we now use Duckietown for a broader robotics program. In ARIC, we teach students ROS, Python, Linux, and the documentation that comes along with Duckietown. Additionally, we plan to integrate railroad intersections with Duckietown, thanks to grant funding from Knorr-Bremse Global Care program in Germany, a train parts manufacturer involved in autonomous train systems.

“We’re seeing that students with very minimal computer science education can jump right into Duckietown and excel”.

Graham Dodge

That’s impressive, so you are integrating Duckietown with a rail system?

Yes, we are considering names like Duckierail or Duckietrains. This project aims to develop open-source solutions for Duckiebots to interact with trains and railroad crossings. We are excited to collaborate with the Knorr-Bremse Global Care program, who provided the funding, to showcase rail systems in a smart, connected infrastructure with autonomous vehicles.

We can’t wait to see the developments! Are you satisfied with your experience with Duckietown so far?

Absolutely! We started with a small MOOC kit, and despite lacking an internal instructor, two student interns managed to get the Duckiebots up and running within three months. The hands-on experience has been rewarding for them, and it’s remarkable how much they’ve learned. We are now expanding the program and have plans to engage with local colleges as well.

That’s fantastic! So, do you see Duckietown as a valuable tool for education and career development in the robotics industry?​

Yes, absolutely! Our goal is to set up an apprenticeship program for career pathway development. By providing students with hands-on experience through Duckietown, we aim to make them more attractive to local employers in the robotics industry. The students are already gaining valuable skills that match or even exceed those of some graduate students seeking internships with the same employers.

“We’ve had industry professionals and
local employers look at what we’re teaching and say that what our
high school interns are learning and building with Duckietown is more advanced – and
more industry relevant – than most of the undergraduate students they’ve seen”.

Graham Dodge

Learn more about Duckietown

The Duckietown platform enables state-of-the-art robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to help teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of human knowledge.

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