All you need to get started is a computer and an internet connection.
For the full roboticist experience instead, source a Duckietown robot. Variants with different pricing are available.
Join over 200 universities worldwide and start teaching with Duckietown:
Include the hardware (robots, city) to run a great class: popular with instructors looking to increase their teaching efficacy while minimizing financial costs.
Available in different sizes, with city sizes and complexity scaling accordingly.
Community-based support and other technical resources (software, simulation, evaluation, pedagogical materials) are provided as is.
Grow your setup as you go. Add support services on the fly.
Classes-in-a-box include classroom support services: popular with instructors who want to maximize time savings and minimize uncertainty for their classes.
Duckietown research laboratories are experimental facilities for reproducible robotics research. Reach out for additional information and a free consultation.