Duckietown first steps

Get started by building your robots and setting up your working environment

First steps: robot assembly instructions

Already have a Duckietown robot (Duckiebot, Duckiedrone, Duckietown, Autolab)?

Follow the links below to get started building!

Otherwise, get a Duckietown robot.

Only the latest Duckietown robot models are linked above. If you are looking for assembly and/or operating instructions for older models, check out the Duckietown Library

If you cannot find what you are looking for, contact us.

Software environment setup

Depending on if you are gearing up for learning experiences with Duckiebots or Duckiedrones, choose your path below.

Duckiebots (DB21-J4)

1. Safety first

2. Set up your computer

3. Validate your build

4. Start learning (or enroll in the MOOC for a guided experience)

Where do I start?

Not sure what is the best solution for you? 

Duckietown can be used in different ways depending on if you want to teach, learn, or do research.