The Obstavoid Algorithm in Duckietown

Obstacle Avoidance for Dynamic Navigation Using Obstavoid

Obstacle Avoidance for Dynamic Navigation Using Obstavoid

Project Resources

Why obstacle avoidance?

The importance of obstacle avoidance in self-driving is self-evident, whether the obstacle is a rubber duckie-pedestrian or another Duckiebot on the road.

In this project, authors deploy the Obstavoid Algorithm aiming to achieve:

  • Safety: preventing collisions with obstacles and other Duckiebots, ensuring safe navigation in a dynamic environment.

  • Efficiency: maintaining smooth movement by optimizing the trajectory, avoiding unnecessary stops or delays.

  • Real-world readiness: preparing Duckietown for real-world scenarios where unexpected obstacles can appear, improving readiness.

  • Traffic management: enabling better handling of complex traffic situations, such as maneuvering around blocked paths or navigating through crowded areas.

  • Autonomous operation: It enhances the vehicle’s ability to operate autonomously, reducing the need for human intervention and improving overall reliability.
obstacle avoidance "obstavoid" project logo

Obstacle Avoidance: the challenges

Implementing obstacle avoidance in Duckietown introduces the following challenges:

  • Dynamic obstacle prediction: accurately predicting the movement of dynamic obstacles, such as other Duckiebots, to ensure effective avoidance strategies and timely responses.
  • Computational complexity: managing the computational load of the trajectory solver, in “real-time” scenarios with varying obstacle configurations, while ensuring efficient performance on limited computation.
  • Cost function design: creating and fine-tuning a cost function that balances lane adherence, forward motion, and obstacle avoidance, while accommodating both static and dynamic elements in a complex environment.
  • Integration and testing: ensuring integration of the Obstavoid Algorithm with the Duckietown simulation framework and testing its performance in various scenarios to address potential failures and refine its robustness.

The Obstavoid Algorithm addresses these challenges by employing a time-dependent cost grid and Dijkstra’s algorithm for optimal trajectory planning, allowing for “real-time” obstacle avoidance.

Read more about how the Dijkstra’s algorithm is used in this student project titled “Goto-1: Planning with Dijkstra“.

It dynamically calculates and adjusts trajectories based on predicted obstacle movements, ensuring navigation and integration with the simulation framework.

obstacle avoidance with cost functions in Duckietown

Project Highlights

Here is the output of the authors’ work. Check out the GitHub r epository for more details!


Obstacle Avoidance: Results

Obstacle Avoidance: Authors

Alessandro Morra is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently serves as the CEO & Co-Founder at Ascento, Switzerland.


Dominik Mannhart is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently serves as the Co-Founder at Ascento, Switzerland.


Lionel Gulich is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently works as a Senior Robotics Software Engineer at NVIDIA, Switzerland.


Victor Klemm is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently is a PhD student at Robotics Systems Lab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.


Dženan Lapandić is a former Duckietown student and teaching assistant of the Autonomous Mobility on Demand class at ETH Zurich, and currently is a PhD candidate at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.


Learn more

Duckietown is a modular, customizable and state-of-the-art platform for creating and disseminating robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.