Intersection Navigation for Duckiebots Using DBSCAN

Duckiebot Intersection Navigation with DBSCAN

Duckiebot Intersection Navigation with DBSCAN

Project Resources

Why intersection navigation using DBSCAN?

Navigating intersections is obviously important when driving in Duckietown. It is not as obvious that the mechanics of intersection navigation for autonomous vehicles are very different from those used for standard lane following. There typically is a finite state machine that transitions the agent behavior from one set of algorithms, appropriate for driving down the road, and a different set of algorithms, to actually solve the “intersections” problem. 

The intersection problem in Duckietown has several steps: 

  1. Identifying the beginning of the intersection (identified with a horizontal red line on the road floor)
  2. Stopping at the red line, before engaging the intersection
  3. Identifying what kind of intersection it is (3-way or 4-way, according to the Duckietown appearance specifications at the time of writing)
  4. Identifying the relative position of the Duckiebot at the intersection, hence the available routes forward
  5. Choosing a route
  6. Identifying when it is appropriate to engage the intersection to avoid potentially colliding with other Duckiebots (e.g., is there a centralized coordinator – a traffic light – or not?)
  7. Engaging and navigating the intersection toward the chosen feasible route
  8. Switching the state back to lane following. 

Easier said than done, right?

For each of the points above different approaches could be used. This project focuses on improving the baseline solutions for points 2., and most importantly, 7. of the above.

The real challenge is the actual driving across the intersection (in a safe way, i.e., by “keeping your lane”), because the features that provide robust feedback control in the lane following pipeline are not present inside intersections. The baseline solution for this problem in Duckietown is open loop control, relying on the model of the Duckiebots and the Duckietown to magic-tune a few parameters and the curves just about right. 

As all students of autonomy know, open-loop control is ideally perfect (when all models are known exactly), but it is practically pretty useless on its own, as “all models are wrong” [learn why, e.g., in the Modeling of a Differential Drive robot class]. 

In this project, the authors seek to close the loop around intersection navigation, and chose to use an algorithm called “DBSCAN” (Density-Based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise) to do it. 

DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise – wiki) is a clustering algorithm that groups data points based on density, identifying clusters of varying shapes and filtering out noise. It is used to find the red stop lines at intersections without needing predefined geometric priors (colors, shapes, or fixed positions). This allows to track meaningful visual features in intersections efficiently, localize with respect to them, and hence attempt to navigate along optimal precomputed trajectories depending on the chosen direction.

Intersection navigation using DBSCAN: the challenges

Some of the challenges in this intersection navigation project are:

Initial position uncertainty: Duckiebot’s starting alignment at the stop line may vary, requiring the system to handle inconsistent initial conditions.

Real-time feedback: the current system lacks real-time feedback, relying on pre-configured instructions that cannot adjust for unexpected events, such as slippage of the wheels, inconsistencies between different Duckiebots, and misalignment of road tiles (non-compliant assembly).

Processing speed: previous closed-loop solution attempts used April tags and Kalman filters – with implementations that ended up being too slow: with low update rates and delays.

Transition to lane following: ensuring a smooth handover from intersection navigation to lane following requires precise control to avoid collisions and lane invasion.

Project Highlights

Here is a visual tour of the output of the authors’ work. Check out the GitHub repository for more details!

Intersection Navigation using DBSCAN: Results

Intersection Navigation using DBSCAN: Authors

Christian Leopoldseder is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently works as a Software Engineer at Google, Switzerland.

Matthias Wieland is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently works as a Senior Consultant at abaQon, Switzerland.

Sebastian Nicolas Giles is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently works as a Autonomous Driving Systems Engineer at embotech, Switzerland.

Merlin Hosner is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently works as a Process Development Engineer at Climeworks, Switzerland. Merlin was a mentor on this project.

Amaury Camus is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently works as a Lead Robotics Engineer at Hydromea, Switzerland. Amaury was a mentor on this project.

Learn more

Duckietown is a modular, customizable and state-of-the-art platform for creating and disseminating robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

The Obstavoid Algorithm in Duckietown

Obstacle Avoidance for Dynamic Navigation Using Obstavoid

Obstacle Avoidance for Dynamic Navigation Using Obstavoid

Project Resources

Why obstacle avoidance?

The importance of obstacle avoidance in self-driving is self-evident, whether the obstacle is a rubber duckie-pedestrian or another Duckiebot on the road.

In this project, authors deploy the Obstavoid Algorithm aiming to achieve:

  • Safety: preventing collisions with obstacles and other Duckiebots, ensuring safe navigation in a dynamic environment.

  • Efficiency: maintaining smooth movement by optimizing the trajectory, avoiding unnecessary stops or delays.

  • Real-world readiness: preparing Duckietown for real-world scenarios where unexpected obstacles can appear, improving readiness.

  • Traffic management: enabling better handling of complex traffic situations, such as maneuvering around blocked paths or navigating through crowded areas.

  • Autonomous operation: It enhances the vehicle’s ability to operate autonomously, reducing the need for human intervention and improving overall reliability.
obstacle avoidance "obstavoid" project logo

Obstacle Avoidance: the challenges

Implementing obstacle avoidance in Duckietown introduces the following challenges:

  • Dynamic obstacle prediction: accurately predicting the movement of dynamic obstacles, such as other Duckiebots, to ensure effective avoidance strategies and timely responses.
  • Computational complexity: managing the computational load of the trajectory solver, in “real-time” scenarios with varying obstacle configurations, while ensuring efficient performance on limited computation.
  • Cost function design: creating and fine-tuning a cost function that balances lane adherence, forward motion, and obstacle avoidance, while accommodating both static and dynamic elements in a complex environment.
  • Integration and testing: ensuring integration of the Obstavoid Algorithm with the Duckietown simulation framework and testing its performance in various scenarios to address potential failures and refine its robustness.

The Obstavoid Algorithm addresses these challenges by employing a time-dependent cost grid and Dijkstra’s algorithm for optimal trajectory planning, allowing for “real-time” obstacle avoidance.

Read more about how the Dijkstra’s algorithm is used in this student project titled “Goto-1: Planning with Dijkstra“.

It dynamically calculates and adjusts trajectories based on predicted obstacle movements, ensuring navigation and integration with the simulation framework.

obstacle avoidance with cost functions in Duckietown

Project Highlights

Here is the output of the authors’ work. Check out the GitHub r epository for more details!


Obstacle Avoidance: Results

Obstacle Avoidance: Authors

Alessandro Morra is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently serves as the CEO & Co-Founder at Ascento, Switzerland.


Dominik Mannhart is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently serves as the Co-Founder at Ascento, Switzerland.


Lionel Gulich is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently works as a Senior Robotics Software Engineer at NVIDIA, Switzerland.


Victor Klemm is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently is a PhD student at Robotics Systems Lab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.


Dženan Lapandić is a former Duckietown student and teaching assistant of the Autonomous Mobility on Demand class at ETH Zurich, and currently is a PhD candidate at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.


Learn more

Duckietown is a modular, customizable and state-of-the-art platform for creating and disseminating robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

Duckietown Access Remotely high res

ProTip: Duckiebot Remote Connection

ProTip: Duckiebot Remote Connection

Have you ever wanted to work from home, but your robot is in the lab? Networks are notoriosly the trickyest aspect of robotics, and establishing a Duckiebot remote connection can be a real challenge. 

The good news is, that as long as your Duckiebot has been left powered on, it is possible to establish a Duckiebot remote connection and operate the robot as if you were on the same network. 

In this guide, we will show how to access your Duckiebot from anywhere in the world using ZeroTier.


Knowing the science does not necessarily mean being practical with the tips and tricks of the roboticist job. “ProTips” are professional tips discussing (apparently) “small details” of the everyday life of a roboticist.

We collect these tips to create a guideline for “best practices”, whether for saving time, reducing mistakes, or getting better performances from our robots. The objective is to share professional knowledge in an accessible way, to make the life of every roboticist easier! 

If you would like to contribute a ProTip, reach out.

About Duckietown

Duckietown is a platform that streamlines teaching, learning, and doing research on robot autonomy by offering hardware, software, curricula, technical documentation, and an international community for learners.

Check out the links below to learn more about Duckietown and start your learning or teaching adventure.

Monocular Visual Odometry

Monocular Visual Odometry for Duckiebot Navigation

Monocular Visual Odometry for Duckiebot Navigation

Project Resources

Why Monocular Visual Odometry?

Monocular Visual Odometry (VO) falls under the “perception” block of the traditional robot autonomy architecture. 

Perception in robot autonomy involves transforming sensor data into actionable information to accomplish a given task in the environment.

Perception is crucial because it allows robots to create a representation of themselves in teh environment they are operating within, which in turn enables the robot to navigate, avoid static or dynamic obstacles, forming the foundation for effective autonomy.

The function of monocular visual odometry is to estimate the robot’s pose over time by analyzing the sequence of images captured by a single camera. 

VO in this project is implemented through the following steps:

  1. Image acquisition: the node receives images from the camera, which serve as the primary source of data for motion estimation.

  2. Feature extraction: key features (points of interest) are extracted from the images using methods like ORB, SURF, or SIFT, which highlight salient details in the scene.

  3. Feature matching: the extracted features from consecutive images are matched, identifying how certain points have moved from one image to the next.

  4. Outlier filtering: erroneous or mismatched features are filtered out, improving the accuracy of the feature matches. In this project, histogram fitting to discard outliers is used.

  5. Rotation estimation: the filtered feature matches are used to estimate the rotation of the Duckiebot, determining how the orientation has changed.

  6. Translation estimation: simultaneously, the node estimates the translation, i.e., how much the Duckiebot has moved in space.

  7. Camera information and kinematics inputs: additional information from the camera (e.g., intrinsic parameters) and kinematic data (e.g., velocity) help refine the translation and rotation estimations.

  8. Path and odometry outputs: the final estimated motion is used to update the Duckiebot’s odometry (evolution of pose estimate over time) and the path it follows within the environment.

Monocular visual odometry is challenging, but provide low-cost, camera-based solution for real-time motion estimation in dynamic environments.

Monocular Visual Odometry: the challenges

Implementing Monocular Visual Odometry involves processing images at runtime, presents challenges that effect performance.
  • Extracting and matching visual features from consecutive images is a fundamental task in monocular VO. This process can be hindered by factors such as low texture areas, motion blur, variations in lighting conditions and occlusions.
  • Monocular VO systems face inherent scale ambiguity since a single camera cannot directly measure depth. The system must infer scale from visual features, which can be error-prone and less accurate in the absence of depth cues.
  • Running VO algorithms requires significant computational resources, particularly when processing high-resolution images at a high frequency. The Raspberry Pi used in the Duckiebot has limited processing power and memory, which contrians the performance of the visual odometry pipeline (the newer Duckiebots, DB21J uses Jetson Nano for computation.)
  • Monocular VO systems, as all odometry systems relying on dead-recokning models, are susceptible to long-term drift and divergence due to cumulative errors in feature tracking and pose estimation.
This project addresses visual odometry challenges by implementing robust feature extraction and matching algorithms (ORB by default) and optimizing parameters to handle dynamic environments and computational constraints. Moreover, it integrates visual odometry with existing Duckiebot autonomy pipeline, leveraging the finite state machine for accurate pose estimation and navigation.

Project Highlights

Here is the output of the authors’ work. Check out the GitHub repository for more details!


Monocular Visual Odometry: Results

Monocular Visual Odometry: Authors

Gianmarco Bernasconi is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently works as a Senior Research Engineer at Motional, Singapore.


Tomasz Firynowicz is a former Duckietown student and teaching assistant of the Autonomous Mobility on Demand class at ETH Zurich, and currently works as a Software Engineer at Dentsply Sirona, Switzerland. Tomasz was a mentor on this project.


Guillem Torrente Martí is a former Duckietown student and teaching assistant of the Autonomous Mobility on Demand class at ETH Zurich, and currently works as a Robotics Engineer at SonyAI, Japan. Guillem was a mentor on this project.

Yang Liu is a former Duckietown student and teaching assistant of the Autonomous Mobility on Demand class at ETH Zurich, and currently is a Doctoral Student at EPFL, Switzerland. Yang was a mentor on this project

Learn more

Duckietown is a modular, customizable and state-of-the-art platform for creating and disseminating robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

Goto-1: Autonomous Navigation using Dijkstra

Goto-1: Planning with Dijkstra

Goto-1: Planning with Dijkstra

Project Resources

Why planning with Dijkstra?

Planning is one of the three main components, or “blocks”, in a traditional robotics architecture for autonomy: “to see, to plan, to act” (perception, planning, and control). 

The function of the planning “block” is to provide the autonomous decision-making part of the robots’ mind, i.e., the controller, with a reference path to follow.

In the context of Duckietown, planning in applied at different hierarchical levels, from lane following to city navigation. 

This project aimed to build upon the vision-based lane following pipeline, introducing a deterministic planning algorithm to allow one Duckiebot to go to from any location (or tile) on a compliant Duckietown map to a specific target tile (hence the name: Goto-1).

Dijkstra algorithm is a graph-based methodology to determine, in a computationally efficient manner, the shortest path between two nodes in the graph.

Goto-1: Autonomous Navigation using Dijkstra
Navigation State Estimation

Autonomous Navigation: the challenges

The new planning capailities of Duckiebots enable autonomous navigation building on pre-existing functionalities, such as “lane following”, “intersection detection and identification”, and “intersection navigation” (we are operating in a scenario with only one agent on the map, so coordination and obstacle avoidance are not central to this progect).

Lane following in Duckietown is mainly vision-based, and as such suffers from the typical challenges of vision in robotics: motion blur, occlusions, sensitivity to environmental lighting conditions and “slow” sampling.

Intersection detection in Duckietown relies on the identification of the red lines on the road layer. Identification of the type of intersection, and relative location of the Duckiebot with respect to it, is instead achieved through the detection and interpretation of fiducial markers, appropriately specified and located on the map. In the case of Duckietown, April Tags (ATs) are used. Each AT, in addition to providing the necessary information regarding the type of intersection (3- or 4-way) and the position of the Duckiebot with respect to the intersection, is mapped to a unique ID in the Duckietown traffic sign database. 

These traffic signs IDs can be used to unamiguosly define the graph of the city roads. Based on this, and leveraging the lane following pipeline state estimator, it is possible to estimate the location (with tile accuracy) of the Duckiebot with respect to a global map reference frame, hence providing the agent sufficient information to know when to stop.

After stopping at an intersection, detecting and identifying it, Duckiebots are ready to choose which direction to go next. This is where the Dijkstra planning algorithm comes into play. After the planner communicates the desired turn to take, the Duckiebot drives through the intersection, before switchng back to lane following behavior after completing the crossing. In Duckietown, we refer to the combined operation of these states as “indefinite navigation”. 

Switching between different “states” of the robot mind (lane following, intersection detection and identification, intersection navigation, and then back to lane following) requires the careful design and implementation of a “finite state machine” which, triggered by specific events, allows for the Duckiebot to transition between these states. 

Integrating a new package within the existing indefinite navigation framework can cause inconsistencies and undefined behaviors, including unreliable AT detection, lane following difficulties, and inconsistent intersection navigation.

Performance evaluation of the GOTO-1 project involved testing three implementations with ten trials each, revealing variability in success rates.

Project Highlights

Here is the output of their work. Check out the GitHub repository for more details!

Autonomous Navigation: Results

Autonomous Navigation: Authors

Johannes Boghaert is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently serves as the CEO of Superlab Suisse, Switzerland.

Merlin Hosner is a former Duckietown student and teaching assistant of the Autonomous Mobility on Demand class at ETH Zurich, and currently works as Process Development Engineer at Climeworks, Switzerland. Merlin was a mentor on this project.

Gioele Zardini is a former Duckietown student and teaching assistant of the Autonomous Mobility on Demand class at ETH Zurich, and currently is an Assistant Professor at MITMerlin was a mentor on this project.

Learn more

Duckietown is a modular, customizable and state-of-the-art platform for creating and disseminating robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

YOLO based object detection in Duckietown at night and day

YOLO-based Robust Object Detection in Duckietown

YOLO-based Robust Object Detection in Duckietown

Project Resources

Why Robust Object Detection?

Object detection is the ability of a robot to identify a feature in its surroundings that might influence its actions. For example, if an object is laid on the road it might represent an obstacle, i.e., a region of space that the Duckiebot cannot occupy. Robust object detection becomes particularly important when operating in dynamic environmental conditions.

Obstacles can be of various, shape or color and they can be detected through different sensing modalities, for example, through vision or lidar scanning. 

In this project, students use a purely vision-based approach for obstacle detection. Using vision is very tricky because small nuisances such as in-class variations (think of many different type of duckies) or environmental lighting conditions will dramatically affect the outcome. 

Robust object detection refers to the ability of a system to detect objects in a broad spectrum of operating conditions, and to do so reliably. 

Detecting object in Duckietown is therefore important to avoid static and moving obstacles, detect traffic signs and otherwise guarantee safe driving. 

Model Performance Under Normal and Low Lighting Conditions

Robust Object Detection: the challenges

Some of the key challenges associated with vision-based object detection are the following:

Robustness across variable lighting conditions: Ensuring accurate object detection under diverse lighting is complex due to changes in object appearance (check out why in our computer vision classes). The model must handle different lighting scenarios effectively.

Balancing robustness and performance: There’s a trade-off between robustness to lighting variations and achieving high accuracy in standard operating conditions. Prioritizing one may affect the other.

Integration and real-time performance: Integrating the trained neural network (NN) model into the Duckiebot’s system is required for real-time operation, avoid lags associated with transport of images across networks. The model’s complexity therefore must align with the computational resources available. This project was executed on DB19 model Duckiebots, equipped with Raspberry Pi 3B+ and a Coral board.

Data quality and generalization: Ensuring the model generalizes well despite potential biases in the training dataset and transfer learning challenges is crucial. Proper dataset curation and validation are essential.

Project Highlights

Here is the output of their work. Check out the github repository for more details!

Robust Obstacle Detection: Results

Robust Object Detection: Authors

Maximilian Stölzle is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently works at MIT as a Visiting Researcher.

Stefan Lionar is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, currently an Industrial PhD student at Sea AI Lab (SAIL), Singapore.

Learn more

Duckietown is a modular, customizable and state-of-the-art platform for creating and disseminating robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance

Implementing vision based dynamic obstacle avoidance

Implementing vision based dynamic obstacle avoidance

Project Resources

Why dynamic obstacle avoidance?

Dynamic obstacle avoidance is the process of detecting a region of space that is not navigable (an obstacle), planning a path around it, and executing that plan.

When the obstacle moves, the plan needs to account for the future positions of the object as well, making the process significantly more complicated than passing a static obstacle. 

With this aim, the authors of this project designed and implemented a robust passing algorithm for Duckiebots in Duckietown.

The approach adopted was to develop a new LED-based detection system, modify the typical Duckietown lane following pipeline for planning around the obstacles, and deploying a new controller to execute manoeuvres. 

Dynamic obstacle avoidance:
the challenges

Some of the key challenges associated with this project are the following:

Detection Accuracy: The Duckiebot and Duckies detection systems occasionally produce false positives. Light sources from other Duckiebots or shiny objects can interfere with the LED detection, while yellow line segments can be mistaken for Duckies. Improving the reliability of detection under varying lighting conditions is essential.

Lane Following Stability: The Duckiebots sometimes become unstable while overtaking, especially when driving in the left lane. The lane-following system struggles with large lane pose angles or rapid changes in lane position, which can cause the Duckiebot to veer off the road. Enhancing the lane-following algorithm to maintain stability during lane changes is critical.

Velocity Estimation: Estimating the speed of moving Duckiebots accurately is challenging. The current position data obtained from LED detection fluctuates too much to provide a reliable velocity measurement. Developing a more robust method for estimating the velocity of other Duckiebots is needed to ensure safe and efficient overtaking.

Variable Speed Control: Implementing variable speed control during overtaking is problematic due to instability in the lane-following pipeline when speeds are dynamically adjusted. Adjusting speed based on the detected obstacle’s speed without losing lane stability is difficult, necessitating improvements in the lane control model to handle speed changes effectively.

Project Highlights

Here is the output of their work. Check out the github repository for more details!

Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance: Results

Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance: Authors

Nikolaj Witting is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, and currently works at Trackman as an Algorithm Developer.

Fidel Esquivel Estay is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, currently serving as the Co-Founder at UpCircle.

Johannes Lienhart is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, currently serving as the CTO at Tethys Robotics.

Paula Wulkop is a former Duckietown student of class Autonomous Mobility on Demand at ETH Zurich, where she is currently pursuing her Ph.D.

Learn more

Duckietown is a modular, customizable and state-of-the-art platform for creating and disseminating robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

Ackermann steering Duckiebots and rocket

Development of an Ackermann steering autonomous vehicle

Development of an Ackermann steering autonomous vehicle

Ackermann steering Duckiebots and rocket
Project Resources

Why Ackermann steering?

Ackermann steering is a configuration of wheels on a vehicle charachterized by four wheels, two in the back that are powered by a DC motor, and two in the front that steer though commands received by a servo motor. In contrast, differential drive robots have two wheels that are independently powered by two DC-motors, with a passive omnidrectional third wheel that acts as support. 

The dynamics (i.e., the “kind of movement”) of differential drive robots is quite different from real world automobiles, which, e.g., cannot turn on the spot. Ackerman steering achieves more realistic vehicle dynamics at cost: increased hardware complexity and mathematical modeling. But neither of these challenges have stopped talented Duckietown student from designing and implementing an Ackermann steering Duckiebot!


(Duckietown trivia: careful Duckietown observers will have noticed that the Duckiebot models historically have been called DB18, DB19, DB21, etc. – every wondered which would have been the DB20?) 

Ackermann steering in Duckietown: the challenges

Ackermann steering introduces more complex mathematical modeling, with respect to differential drive robots, in order to predict future movement hence elaborate pose estimates on the fly. The kinematic modeling of the front steering apparatus is non trivial, and the radius of curvature Ackermann steering robots showcase is very different from differential drive robots.

Differential drive robots are capable of turning on the spot (applying equal and opposite commands to the two wheels), while anyone who has ever tried parallel parking a real car, knows that this is not possible. 

How complex will it be for Ackermann steering robots to navigate Duckietown is the real challenge of this fun project.

The authors start from basic design elements through CAD, iterate through various bills of materials, make prototypes, and program them leveraging the Duckietown software infrastructure to achieve autonomous behaviors in Duckietown. 

Project Highlights

Here is the output of their work. Check out the documents for more details!

Ackermann steering: Results

(Turn on the sound for best experience!)

The autonomous behaviors of the Ackermann steering Duckiebot, a.k.a. DB20 or DBv2, shown above are the work of Timothy Scott, a former Duckietown student. 

Ackermann steering Duckiebot: Authors

Merlin Hosner is a former Duckietown student in the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Controls (IDSC) of ETH Zurich (D-MAVT), and currently works at Climeworks as a Process Development Engineer.

Rafael Fröhlich is a former Duckietown student in the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Controls (IDSC) of ETH Zurich (D-MAVT), where he is currently a Research Assistant.

Learn more

Duckietown is a modular, customizable and state-of-the-art platform for creating and disseminating robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

Project parking in Duckietown

Introducing Autonomous Parking in Duckietown Cities

Introducing Autonomous Parking in Duckietown Cities

Project parking in Duckietown
Project Resources

Why Autonomous Parking?

Parking is notoriously a hard task to master for many humans. Hence, students of the Autonomous Mobility on Demand course at ETH Zurich wanted to determine to what degree this applied to autonomous parking with Duckiebots. 

The goal of the Autonomous Parking project was to design, implement, and test a complete autonomous parking solution compliant with the Duckietown ecosystem.

Duckiebots should be able to enter and exit a parking area, identify viable parking lots, actually park and exit their parking spot safely, and avoid collision with other Duckiebots during the entire process. 

The vision is to integrate autonomous charging solutions into the parking area, so Duckiebots can charge themselves when needed.

Autonomous parking in Duckietown: the challenges

Leveraging the Duckietown lane following vision baseline provided a basic infrastructure to build upon.

Some technical challenges specific to this projects were:

Backward Lane Following: Duckiebots must drive backward to exit the parking lots but only have cameras on the front. It is required to adjust the Duckiebot’s control system for stable backward driving, by changing the pose estimation process and re-tuning the PID controller.

Dynamic Color Adaptation: the new parking lot design introduced additional appearance specifications to the Duckietown city setup, such as blue lines identifying parking areas. Modifying the Duckiebots’ native lane detector to recognize blue lines in addition to yellow, red, and white, allows for additional flexibility in lane following based on specified colors.

Time Slot Coordination: Managing the availability of parking spaces is crucial to minimize the probability of collisions between Duckiebots. This project tackled this challenge by implementing a time-slot system to manage parking exits to prevent collisions, using red LEDs for signaling to other Duckiebots.

Project Highlights

Here is a visual tour of the work of the authors.

Check out the documents for more details!

Project Parking Results

(Turn on the sound for best experience!)

Project Authors

Trevor Phillips is a former Duckietown student, now a Machine Learning SWE at Apple in Switzerland. 

Vincenzo Polizzi

Vincenzo Polizzi is a former Duckietown student, now a Ph. D. student at the University of Toronto, Canada.

Linus Lingg

Linus Lingg is a former Duckietown student, now the Co-Founder and CTO of bottleplus in Switzerland. 

Learn more

Duckietown is a modular, customizable and state-of-the-art platform for creating and disseminating robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.


Safe Reinforcement Learning (RL) Thesis Project

Safe Reinforcement Learning (Safe-RL) in Duckietown

Project Resources

Safe-Reinforcement Learning (Safe-RL): Project Description

Safe-RL Duckietown Project – In his thesis titled “Safe-RL-Duckietown“, Jan Steinmüller used safe reinforcement learning to train Duckiebots to follow a lane while keeping said robots safe during training.

Safe Reinforcement Learning involves learning policies that maximize expected returns while ensuring reasonable system performance and adhering to safety constraints throughout both the learning and deployment phases. Reinforcement learning is a machine learning paradigm where agents learn to make decisions by maximizing cumulative rewards through interaction with an environment, without the necessity for training data or models. 

The final result was a trained agent capable of following lanes while avoiding unsafe positions.

This is an open source project, and can be reproduced and improved upon through the Duckietown platform.

Safe Reinforcement Learning: Project Highlights

Here is a visual tour of the work of the author.

Check out the documents for more details.

Safe Reinforcement Learning: Results and Conclusions

Based on the results, it can be concluded that there is no disadvantage to using a safety layer when doing reinforcement learning since execution time is very similar. Moreover, the dramatically improved safety of the vehicle is helpful for the robot’s training as fewer actions with lower or even negative rewards will be executed. Because of this, reinforcement learning agents with safety layers learn faster and reduce the number of unsafe actions that are being executed.

Unfortunately, manual observation and intervention by the user were still necessary, however, the frequency was clearly reduced which further improved learning as the robots in testing did not know if an outside intervention was done which could result in an action being rewarded incorrectly.

It was also concluded that this project did not reach perfect safety with the implementation. Therefore a fully autonomous reinforcement learning training without any human intervention has not yet been achieved. A lot of improvement factors have been found that can further improve the safety and recovery rate. Additionally, some major problems which are not direct results of the reinforcement learning or safety layer have been identified.

These problems could be attempted to be fixed in different ways like improving the open source implementations of lane filter nodes or adding more sensors or cameras to the robot in order to extend the input data to the agent. Another area that was untouched during the research of this project was other vehicles inside the current lane. The safety layer could potentially be extended to also include safety features that should keep the robot safe from hitting other vehicles.

Read the full report here.

Project Author

Jan Steinmüller is a computer science student working in the computer networks and information security research group at Hochschule Bremen in Germany. 

Dr. Amr Alanwar is an Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

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Duckietown is a modular, customizable and state-of-the-art platform for creating and disseminating robotics and AI learning experiences.

It is designed to teach, learn, and do research: from exploring the fundamentals of computer science and automation to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.