AI-DO 5: Urban league winners
This year’s challenges were lane following (LF
), lane following with pedestrians (LFP
) and lane following with other vehicles, multibody (LFV_multi
Let’s find out the results in each category:
- Andras Beres 🇭🇺
- Zoltan Lorincz 🇭🇺
- András Kalapos 🇭🇺
- Bea Baselines 🐤
- Melisande Teng 🇨🇦
- Raphael Jean 🇨🇦
- Robert Moni 🇭🇺
- Márton Tim 🇭🇺
- Anastasiya Nikolskay 🇷🇺
Congratulations to the Hungarian Team from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics for collecting the highest rankings in the urban league!
Here’s how the winners in each category performed both in the qualification (simulation) and in the finals running on real hardware:
Andras Beres - Lane following (LF) winner

Melisande Teng - Lane following with pedestrians (LFP) winner

Robert Moni - Lane following with other vehicles, multibody (LFV_multi) winner

AI-DO 5: Advanced Perception league winners
Great participation and results in the Advanced Perception league! Check out this year’s winners in the video below:
AI-DO 5 sponsors
Many thanks to our amazing sponsors, without which none of this would have been possible!

Stay tuned for next year AI Driving Olympics. Visit the AI-DO page for more information on the competition and to browse this year’s introductory webinars, or check out the Duckietown massive open online course (MOOC) and prepare for next year’s competition!