This is a collection of hands-on projects for learning robotics and AI.
Creating new autonomous behaviors is a great way for learners to collaborate and gain real-world skills in robotics systems and AI.
This project by Gianmarco Bernasconi, a former Duckietown student, provided an estimate of the Duckiebot’s pose using a monocular visual odometry approach.
This project implements robust object detection in Duckietown for Duckiebots under varying lighting conditions and object clutter using a YOLO-based NN.
“Safe Reinforcement Learning (Safe-RL)” explores using Deep Q Learning to train Duckiebots to perform lane following. Reproduce these results with Duckietown.
Anatidaephilia is loving the idea that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you. The cSLAM equips Duckietowns with the ability to localize Duckiebots.
This page is still a work in progress. Please pardon the dust as we upload more projects from our archives. Do not hesitate to contact us for additional ideas for your class!
Duckietown projects for learning robotics to share? Let us know!
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